Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland warns that the gov't has "the tools to follow the money." "We can see what is happening and what is being planned in real time and we are absolutely determined that this must end." MORE:
Trudeau bevriest 34 crypto wallets want konvooi, vijf grote Canadese banken uren lang offline
Canada, een beetje het Cuba van Noord-Amerika
Hey wat gebeurde daar gister nou ineens met vijf grote Canadese banken? "Five major Canadian banks went offline for hours blocking access to online and mobile banking as well as e-transfers for customers. The banks hit by the outage include Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Scotiabank, TD Bank Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). (...) Reports of users having trouble getting to their online banking peaked between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, although BleepingComputer is continuing to see an influx of these reports into today (...)."
Dat heeft ongetwijfeld helemaal niets te maken met Canada's afgelopen maandag in werking getreden Emergencies Act, waarin werd aangekondigd dat de bankrekeningen en crypto-transacties van mensen die verdacht worden van doneren aan het konvooi doneren bevroren zullen worden, zonder dat daartoe een rechterlijk bevel nodig is. Zin in die bank run!
CoinDesks schrijft: "The Ontario Provincial Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police ordered all regulated financial firms to cease facilitating any transactions from 34 crypto wallets tied to funding trucker-led protests in the country. (...) The list consists of 29 Bitcoin addresses, one Ethereum address, one Cardano address, one Ethereum Classic address, one Litecoin address and one Monero address, according to the order. A copy of the order was circulating on Twitter earlier on Wednesday. CoinDesk confirmed its authenticity. Donors have sent more than 20 BTC to the addresses, worth over $870,000 (CA$1.1 million)."
Zoals we eerder schreven, gingen die bitcoin-donaties via HonkHonkHodl. En dat is interessant natuurlijk, want bitcoin was nu precies bedoeld om overheids-ingrijpen te voorkomen. Wat overheden natuurlijk nog wel kunnen, is voorkomen dat bitcoin wordt omgezet en uitbetaald in fiat, en dat doet Trudeau nu. Hoe is het ondertussen eigenlijk met Trudeau's approval ratings?
Heus wel zorgelijke ontwikkelingen dit
Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland: "The names of both individuals and entities as well as crypto wallets have been shared by the RCMP with financial institutions and accounts have been frozen and more accounts will be frozen."
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Ook dat nog
I think the Prime Minister should think long and hard about his own history before singling out a Jewish Member of Parliament and falsely accusing me of standing with a Swastika. What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office - he owes me an apology. #cdnpoli
Literally hours ago your party called a Jewish MP a Nazi in the House of Commons. Maybe sit this one out, champ.
To @elonmusk: Some of your comments & comparisons reported in the media today are quite frankly shocking. Let me remind you what Canada & Canadians stand for. Canadians value stability, predictability & respect for the rule of law. We will always uphold these values.

Is zo. Overheid kan louter omzet bitcoin naar fiat tegenhouden
The Canada situation should be a huge moment for Bitcoin. Its entire purpose (or as they probably say in Quebec, its raison d'être) is a financial system that can't be shutdown/blocked/deplatformed by the stated. If Bitcoin isn't suitable here, then when would it be?
Zin in die bank run!
What the hell is happening to Canada’s banks right now?
Een briefje van Justin
Apparently Ottawa police are handing out this notice in Ottawa.
Musks tweet uiteraard verwijderd (door Musk)

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