

Elon Musk ontslaat helft personeel Twitter

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Never forget: "A day in the life of a Twitter employee"

Het is, zoals verwacht, gedaan. De helft van Twitters ongeveer 7500 werknemers ligt eruit. Reuters: "Twitter Inc laid off half its workforce on Friday but said cuts were smaller in the team responsible for preventing the spread of misinformation, as advertisers pulled spending amid concerns about content moderation. Tweets by staff of the social media company said teams responsible for communications, content curation, human rights and machine learning ethics were among those gutted, as were some product and engineering teams."

Onderstaand de bijsluiter en daarna natuurlijk heel veel boze oud-werknemers.

Elons bijsluiter

Elons bijsluiter

Content Curation Team dat 'context' toevoegde aan trending items: ontslagen

Content Curation Team dat 'context' toevoegde aan trending items: ontslagen

Twitters voltallige VN-mensenrechtenteam (?): ontslagen

Yesterday was my last day at Twitter: the entire Human Rights team has been cut from the company. I am enormously proud of the work we did to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, to protect those at-risk in global conflicts & crises including Ethiopia,



hell hath no fury

Recently fired Twitter engineer Taylor Leese, who spent weeks mocking @elonmusk publicly, is back with a new account. Leese secured a new gig at @LinkedIn, after trying to sabotage Musk's takeover. Now Taylor Leese is threatening existing Twitter engineers with retribution.


Twitter is niet meer nuttig voor Dems

Twitter is niet meer nuttig voor Dems


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