

Buitenlandse media: Nederland zit al in huizencrisis

panieeekkk.jpgNeen, in de vaderlandse media lezen we geen zwaar-aan-de-grond-verhalen over de huizenmarkt. Want stel je voor... Ach, dan pakken we toch gewoon de buitenlandse media erbij. Persbureau Bloomberg komt met een origineel superPANIEKVERHAAL. We quoten: "Eighteen months after real-estate markets in Spain and Ireland began to sputter, the Netherlands is following suit." en verder: "The housing boom has left the Dutch saddled with the highest level of mortgage debt in the euro region just as the economy slides into a recession. Geen paniek. More Declines to Come. Prices may drop by as much as 10 percent in 2009 should the credit crisis worsen and buyers hold back" In Amsterdam gaat het al stuk: "Prices of houses in the most expensive part of Amsterdam, the southern district in which the Vondel Park and the Van Gogh Museum are located, dropped 13 percent". Hier het hele artikel met nog veel meer PANIEK. Ha-Ha!


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