

Dmitry mailt superrelevante geopolitieke info

poetinduimen.jpgZo, pats boem in de mail van het Russische sokpop-account van Wilmer Heck, De cheque van 20 miljoen roebel kunnen we er helaas niet bij afdrukken omdat Oekraïense hackers die dan kopiëren en ermee naar de hoeren gaan. Helo dear Geenstijl redactie, Maybe it could be interesting for you. Today 12.01.17 AD Newspaper offers to read us article about russia compromising material on Trump. I made a picture for you, it is attached. You can see *russian* words on the hat but there are no words, only mix of different cyrilic and latin letters, you can check it even by yourself using google. Thats is all you need to know how AD makes news... Thank you Dmitry gehecktscreenshot.png


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